Monday, September 6, 2010

Looking into sustainable development

Did you ever wonder what people meant when they talk about sustainable development? How is it going to affect your everyday life? Many people hear and use this word without even paying attention to its meaning. Indeed this has become quite fashionable and we can see it on every media. In order to help you learn more on this I have written this short article on sustainable development and how it might affect you.

Sustainable development is all about picking out an economic model that does not cause any harm to the environment but also do not harm the next generation. Said otherwise this imply that we should not favor growth at all cost and hinders the ability of the next generation to provide for their needs. It is not only about ecology as some people may believe it but it covers everything. French readers that need to read more on this topic can check out this article on sustainable development (developpement personnel) as it bears some useful info.

For an appropriate sustainable economic model it is essential that we also have some optimal usage of energy. As cited above we should not only think about our own well-being but also that of the future generations. This is the fundamental reason why we should manage our energy resources better. This will allow us to leave a proper heritage to our children. This French article on ecology (eco pret a taux 0) has genuinely grabbed my attention and should be worth taking a look.

When we talk about sustainability we should also not forget about pollution. This is the reason why we often utilize the word sustainability in the same sentence. In truth by shifting to organic farming and restraining the use of chemicals we are switching towards a more sustainable pattern of development. Doing this should in truth help to preserve the environment. One great French article that I have recently discovered is organic food (potimarron recettes) and should be worth taking a look.

Sustainable development has indeed become a hot topic nowadays. The world will not be able to sustain the current economic model for a long time without giving rise to social, environmental or economical crisis. Instead of waiting for these things to happen we will be better off tackling the problem at the root. But no one seems to care.

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